Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christ is born

 Third Nephi 1:13
"  Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfill all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets"

I feel sorry for not doing much Christmas  posts during this month, it is Christ's birthday, the beloved son of God.
I would have but a few things to say during this amazing day, read the story of his birth in Luke, read it with you're family this day and by yourself.

I would also would like if you will watch this video, it brought tears to my eyes when I watched it, I hope it will do the same for you.

Also this is an amazing video as well, I would love if something like that would happen with me.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Testimony of the Book of Mormon

This has been the first time I have read threw the book all the way, I would try to read it but I always stop around the time I got to Alma
As I'm preparing for my mission I know I need to read it and understand and teach from it as much as I can, so I started in the fall and wanted to be done with reading it before the new year.

I was going good and then.. days went by without reading it I would read for couple of days and then just stop for a week or two then read, then stop and so on, I got way behind to the point of asking myself
"Do I want to finish before the end of the year?"
Yes, I wanted to read it before the end of the year, I wanted to gain my own testimony of the book, so last week I told myself I will read 50 pages per day.

I read the 50 pages in one sitting, I didn't know how much time it would take me in the day to read the 50 pages. Yesterday I looked at the clock, I started reading at 7:30pm, I got done with the 50 pages at 11:40pm... with having dyslexic it is harder for me, I would read and mix up words that weren't even there, if I didn't mix up the words then I just didn't understand what I had just read I went back two or three verse or even more and re-read what I have already read, doing that every so often it takes time but I wanted to read 50 pages per day.

Friday and Saturday were amazing, I read out loud to myself and I wasn't stuttering a whole lot, barely anything, reading out loud at least for me I learned more, at some parts of the Book Of Mormon my voice began to get emotional, as I read on during Friday and Saturday I was prompted from the Holy Ghost to mark some verses so I'll be able to go back and re-read them

3rd Nephi 12:15-16: Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; Therefor let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

To me that really stood out, we need to be the light, we need to be the example to others, we are their light, let us shine forth!

3rd Nephi 15:9: Behold, I am the law, and the light, Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life

How can I put it any clearer, we endure to the end and we will have eternal life, I loved this and how much I felt I needed to mark it for some reason.

Now go to chapter 27:16-17 I was prompted to mark this one as well, I know why now
"And it shall come to pass, that whoso repenteth and is baptized in my name shall be filled; and if he will endure to the end, behold, him will I hold guiltless before my Father at that day when I shall stand to judge the world. And he that endureth not unto the end, the same is he that is also hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence they can no more return, because of the justice of the Father"

We need to repent, if we do not repent we will be cast into the fire of hell and we cannot return from there, repent, repent. be saved, no one is perfect on this earth, we make mistakes but we can repent and become worthy again.

Moroni 7:11-12:
For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water; neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if he follow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil. Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and entiecth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually"

The devil wants us on his side, our life's will be miserable, if he has us in his grasp.

Another one I was prompted to mark was Moroni 7:43
"And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart"
That reminded me of
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light- Matthew 11:28-30"

Christ is meek and lowly in heart, to have faith and hope.. we need to be meek and lowly in heart as-well  let starts now.
As I was reading Moroni chapter 8, more then half of that chapter I took it to heart and thought that what I will be doing on my mission,
 After reading the chapter I had a prompting  to replace the "My beloved son, Moroni" to "My beloved son, Michael"
The  feeling of the spirit... overcame me and it was a feeling I'll never forget.
I'll go back to it many times, and once I get my mission call I'll go back and re-read it, same as when I'm on my mission.

I find it very funny, how the day after I finished  the book of Mormon, I got on a game that I haven't played in for a year and the server I joined,  some people were bashing my religion and the book of Mormon, I fine this funny because Satan will not stop to lead us away from the church, we have to be stronger then he is.

The Book of Mormon is true, I have gain my own testimony of it, this church is the true church. I know that God lives and he sent his beloved son  to die for our sins.
If you are ever having doubts, read the Book of Mormon and pray.

Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Struggles Soon Gone

I been dealing with some struggles lately.. mostly about just wanting the weight to lose faster, but how can I lose more then 3lbs in a day?, which has been the most I have lost in a day, the short answer... I can't really.
It's so tough to start the workouts, I always dread doing it but once I'm done I feel much better and my body feels great too.

In a day I normally do an hour of treadmill full incline, jogging/walking.. and that works very well, lose the most weight by doing the treadmill, the thing I hate is the sweat it's all over you and I just don't like how it feels.

I also been hating upon myself for getting to where I am, it took me 18 years to get to the state I am in now, and.. I just hate myself for that, but you know what?, it took me 18 years to get here, but won't take me 18 years to lose the weight.

Last week when I put on my church pants, I had to keep pulling them up, I look forward to each week putting on my church clothes, each time there more room.

I have talked to some of my friends about these feelings and how thoughts of giving up came to mind.. well won't happen this time.

Reason: I want to go on my mission, I want to serve my Lord and teach the people he wants me to teach, and once I do lose the weight.. I'll be happier in life, I'll be able to live my full life:

March-April is when I'm planning I'll be done losing the weight, I look how far away it is now and think.. "Will I even get here?" the question.. is yes and then guess what?.... the beast shall unleash itself with the smexiness
Yep, I made that up myself... how could you tell?.

One day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time.. and I'll get there
I'll be getting a church suit, and that will do well with the smexiness

(To the ladies) Wouldn't you date or hang out with a beastly guy with curly hair who wears a black church suit to church?.. if I was a girl and I knew a guy like that, then I would * cough cough, you should do the same*
Oh yeah, the guy is spiritual and love going to church, oh might I add he has blue eyes that will shine in the moonlight?, and... I'll stop now, you gotten the point :)

Enjoy the laughs which follow up there ^ (To the guy, but  the girls will think it's dreamy, huh?)
I'll use my weight lost story in many of my talks which I'll do once I'm older, I want to become like John Bytheway.

Friday, December 9, 2011

President Gordon B. Hinckley-Lessons I Learned as a Boy

Readers, as I been thinking of what to post, this Mormon Message video came out to me, I remember watching it in Priest Quorum, the lesson was about service.. no one in the Bishop's office had dried eyes or where not thinking to themselves, you could feel the spirit testifying to us.

I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.  ~Edward Everett Hale

Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Holy Ghost

First, I would like to thank everyone who been visiting my blog, it means so much to me.
Also.. the blog entry about Risa... it have reach 50 views in a week, you have no idea how much that means to me.
Thank you and if you haven't already please click on "Follow" and submit you're email to be updated when I post again.

Readers, I would like to talk about the Holy Ghost, why we need to have him in our lives,  and what he will bring into our lives and so on.

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a personage of spirit, without a body of flesh and bones. He is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, or the Comforter.

Why the other members of the Godhead have a body but the Holy Ghost doesn’t?, let turn to  Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 “The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us”

What are the roles of the Holy Ghost:

His a witnesses of the Father and the Son,  check out second Nephi 31:18
He reveals and teaches  the truth of all things, Moroni 10:5.
“And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things”

When we strive to stay on the path that leads to eternal life, the Holy Ghost can and will guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger.

The Holy Ghost can fill us with hope and perfect love and teach us  the peaceable things of the kingdom

Moroni 8:26 reads “And the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God.”

He is the Holy Spirit of Promise (see Ephesians 1:13; D&C 132:7, 18–19, 26). In this capacity, He confirms that the priesthood ordinances we have received and the covenants we have made are acceptable to God. This approval depends on our continued faithfulness.

Gifts of the Holy Ghost:

If we’re honest seekers of the truth, we can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost
I have felt the promptings of the Spirit in my life so much, in many ways, a warm feeling in my heart, a still small voice, each time I feel the Spirit in my life, it’s special to me.

the fullness of the blessings given through the Holy Ghost are available only to those who receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and remain worthy.

After a person is baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders lay their hands on the person's head and, in a sacred priesthood ordinance, confirm him or her a member of the Church. As part of this ordinance, called confirmation, the person is given the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is different then the influence of the Holy Ghost, a person can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost time to time and by feeling the Holy Ghost can receive a testimony of truth After receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, a person has the right to the constant companionship of that member of the Godhead if he or she keeps the commandments.

If we want the Spirit to dwell with us, we need to be worthy members of the Church.

From the “True to the faith” book it says
“Full enjoyment of the gift of the Holy Ghost includes receiving revelation and comfort, serving and blessing others through spiritual gifts, and being sanctified from sin and made fit exaltation in the celestial kingdom. These blessing depend on your worthiness; they come  a little at a time as you are ready for them. As you bring your life in harmony with God’s will, you gradually receive the Holy Ghost in great measure”

President Wilford Woodruff said
“One of the Apostles said to me years ago, “Brother Woodruff, I have prayed for a long time for the Lord to send me the administration  of an angel. I have had a great desire for this, but I have never had my prayers answered.” “I said to him that if he were to pray a thousand years to the God of Israel for that gift, it would not be granted, unless the Lord had a motive in sending an angel to him. I told him the Lord never did nor never will send an angel to anybody merely to gratify the desire of the individual to see an angel. If the Lord sends an angel to anyone, he sends him to perform a work that can be performed only by the administration of an angel… Now, I have always said, that I want to say it to you, that the Holy Ghost is what every Saint of God needs. It is far more important that a man should have that gift then he should have the ministration of an angel”

Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

I know that Jesus Christ lives, and that my Heavenly Father hears and answer my prayers, I know that the Holy Ghost have dwelled  in me to guide and watch over me.
I know this is the true Church, and I’m so grateful to be In it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Working out update 12/2/11

Working out been going great, clothes been fitting better like always.
The weekend of Thanksgiving I didn't work out for 2-3 days and that got me behind a little bit, put on 1 or 2 pounds but their already gone.

By the middle of this month I'm thinking people will notice I look different, that they can tell I have lost weight, i'm very looking forward to it.. loosing a pound or two each day it takes a lot of working out, watching what you eat and so on.

Couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about it and, how my sister made some cookies and I was tempted to have some, and we talked about how staying away from having them will help me in the long run.. and I said the same goes with sin, you tell yourself "I can just do it a little bit" "I can do it once and not again"
But once you have one cookie.. do you try having another one?, most everyone will say yes to this

We all need to be strong and say "No", once we do we will be so happy  with ourselves
If you do give in then just like loosing weight to get rid of the cookie you just ate, we can repent and our sin will be forgiven, it does take time to be clean from our sins but again, once you do you will be happy with yourself.

A sneak peek about what I'll be posting about is about the Holy Ghost, it should be up in a couple of days from now.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Risa Melody Whitaker

In 2009, I went to efy in Tacoma, WA..
There were 27 girls in my group, only 3 of them asked me to be in a picture with them...
One of the girls is named Risa, she was in my company and on Friday night when we were singing the efy medley, I noticed she was crying, I had this feeling I needed to leave my company's circle
I let go of the people who were holding my hands as we sang in our circle.. my counselor saw me and asked where I was going.. I just simply said "Be right back".. as I was getting tissue for Risa I thought why not grab some more for others, if they were crying as well.

I got back, tapped Risa on her shoulder, as she was crying into her friends arms, they were both crying.. she turned around, to see who had tap her.. I gave her some tissue.. she gave me a wonderful warm hug, as we hugged her tears landed on my shoulder.. and she whispered into my ears "Thank you, Michael"
I gave tissue to her friend, who was the 2nd person to ask me to be in a picture with her..
I went around giving tissues to the girls in my company.. everyone gave me a hug and thanked me.. a guy from my company whispered "Dang man, you're such a stud"
All I was thinking when I gave those tissues around was.. they needed them.

In the summer of 2010, she was diagnosed with cancer
I didn't know what to do, I started to pray, the only thing I could do for her, seeing she lived a state away from me.

She died on, Thursday, March 31st 2011

In Priest Quorum couple of weeks after her death.. we had a lesson on that God can't save everyone from dying when their still young and good people etc, I told them about Risa, I could hardly get it out... I was just crying and the tears weren't going away, I couldn't look at anyone in the room, someone pass a tissue over to me.. that tissue reminded me so much of Risa. 

No one had dried eyes...
the picture that she took with me, she put it on facebook and comment on the picture saying "He was sooo sweet!"


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tri-Stake Get A Grip!- Priest/Laurel Conference

On the 20th of March 2010 there was a Priest/Laurel Conference at the Walla Walla stake center in Washington. they invited two other stakes which were Richland and Pasco, both from the Tri-Cities.

It took a hour or a hour and a half to get there,  we were put into groups, I was put into the red group along with my friend Spencer, who is also from my ward.
The whole day was amazing, but let dive into the testimony meeting and afterwards.

I was sitting with Spencer on the 3rd row, most of the people from our ward were sitting in the back, as the meeting started, I asked Spencer if he was planning on going up to share his testimony, he wasn't sure if he would.. he then asked me the same question,  I wasn't sure, because I might stutter.

As the meeting went on.. I couldn't sit still, I knew I needed to go up and share my testimony.. as I went to the first row to sit down to wait   for my turn,  waited as long as I could.. I let people who came behind me go up first.. but got to the point when I just needed to go up..
"My name is Michael, I stutter so bare with me"
My testimony will be about the Holy Ghost, how it bless our life's.. a couple of weeks ago, I had a feeling to talk to a friend of mine who I meant online, after talking for a bit I knew something wasn't right"
Tears began to form, I couldn't look at anyone.. "He said he want to kill himself"

 I looked down at the youth and saw someone crying in the front row, there were probably more crying, but I couldn't look pass the first row. the tears began to fall, down onto the stand where the  microphone was placed.  I pause for what felt like five long minutes. once I got a hold of myself I went on. Told everyone what I did to help, started talking with  him  asked why he wanted to do it.. why he wanted to end his life". the whole time I was up there. I was shacking.. felt I would fall down any minute.

"When he went to bed that night, I kept thinking of how to help him, I called  the suicidal hotline, they gave me some help, nothing big that I haven't already done.
Whenever he was on, we would talk... it has been two weeks since he said anything about killing himself"
I then closed in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Spencer was waiting for his turn to bare his testimony, I was sitting by myself for a couple of minutes.. I looked around...some people saw me and waved along with a smile..
Spencer got back.. he patted me on my back and said I did a good job.. I couldn't say anything expect "mhhm".. the last guy to get up and bare his testimony.. bore his on my testimony..  he said I was an example for him,I was overcome, he was crying, and testify about how I knew by the spirit I needed to talk to my friend.

When the meeting was over, I didn't want to face anyone from my ward.. so I stayed behind and hold the door open for the youths and leaders coming out on the right side.
Everyone.. stop and hugged and thanked me, tears were in their eyes.. a youth leader from Walla Walla.. I think because I have never seem him before the conference or after.
He gave me a hug, thanked me and said  "I really loved your testimony, I know if you keep listening to the spirit you can do wonders"

One person after another, a line was form, people waiting to hug and thank me..I was speechless I barely knew what to say, guys reach out their hands, we shaked, then they came in for a hug as well.
It was then time for dinner, I didn't really want to sit with the youth from my ward but a priest saw  me and called over for me to sit down, he like everyone else gave me a hug and thanked me.

I wasn't hungry so I left the room, went walking in the hallways, I couldn't go more then 3 feet when someone else stop me.. it was unreal I didn't know what to do so once everyone left I tried  getting away.. someone call out "Michael, Michael!" the voice was from Reid (The person who bore his testimony about mine)
He came to me, thanked me for being such an example to him.
I didn't understand.. how me just a priest from the Columbia Basin Ward.. I'm just Michael, how could I have ever done anything like this?
On the way back home, a fellow priest said "when you pause while you gave you're testimony.. you could feel the spirit filled the room" another said when he was in-line for dinner, he heard some people talking about me, about my testimony etc.

I told two friends what happened one I meant from efy in 2009, (Lived in town from me)  the other is someone I meant when I was a Teacher.. his not a youth but truly amazing friend.

something the friend from efy, she said in the message "I hope that you never think that you're "just Michael", because you're God's son, and that's not just anything. You really are special. I know that you are a choice spirit. I hope you will always know that"

My other friend said "You said that following: "I'm just Michael.. how could I have done anything like this?"  You are wrong.  You are wrong about what you think about yourself.  You are a powerful young man who can change people's lives.  I have told you this before, but it is hard to believe until you see it.  This story did not surprise me, because I already knew that you could do things that make a difference.  So learn about yourself from this, and stop holding yourself back.  You are Michael.  You are a powerful son of God, sent here when the world was in a scarey time to make a great difference.  You are more than just a face in a crowd, You have the essence of godliness in you, and that was shown to all this past weekend.  Don't forget it, and don't doubt it."

My friends are right.. and what I "saw" myself as.. this year I have learned so much that will help me in my life for the better
even if you don't think anyone would take your testimony to heart, share it. If you think your just somebody in the world, your wrong we are all children of our Father in Heaven, we all came to earth for a reason, we are all choice spirits
~Reid is now serving in the Brazil Fortaleza Mission
Elder Empey~


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My EFY Experience

For those of you who don't know what EFY stand for, it's Especially For Youth, you can read about it here

On the way to EFY my mind rush to one thing to another, I was worried with what my company would be like.. would I fit in at all?, when I tell the guys in my group  I have Asperger's Syndrome, would they accept me for me?, or would I be the outcast..

Once I got to efy, I grab my belongings from the car went in the line to get my efy bag, wristband, book etc
I signed up for the talent show, finally I went to my dorm building went in my room and looked around... there was another bed.. I'm going to have a roommate, I was nervous for having a roommate.. I didn't had one the first year I went to efy.
It was then  time to meet with the other guys in my company, so we all went in the lobby, where our efy counselor had us meet.. he introduce himself... something he said later  was "In this group you can share anything you want"... that made me think of telling them about Asperger's Syndrome, but could not share that with them now... after we introduce ourselves and talked some, we then went to meet up with the girls in our company.. which I think is the best part for both us and the girls. We played get to know you games.. and I was nervous yet again, once we were done we headed to the introduction of efy and what to aspect from the week, the guys ask the girls if we could escort them (We did this everywhere we went)... I didn't ask anyone if I could escort them, I just hid in the back and waited til everyone had someone to escort... I "couldn't" ask them.. so I just walked in my company going to the program.

The spirit grew inside of me with being there, listening to some of the counselors and Brother McDonald, him and Sister McDonald were our session director.

Later in the evening when we had dinner, my company were sitting with each other.. there were some spots  open but I "couldn't" go and sit down with them, so I sat with Jay, he was my counselor.. and his amazing, I'll leave it at that.

Then we had FHE (Family home evening), which was a lot of fun, it took place outside we played games etc, then it was time to go back to our dorms, have our counselor devotional, then go to bed.. I was walking with Jay and it was just the two of us, I told him there's something I got to tell the guys tonight, once we got to our dorm building and had  the devotional, Jay said "Michael got something he want to tell us" all eyes were on me.. I felt like what did I got myself into.
But I told them I have Asperger's Syndrome, I told them the basics of it.. and it was all good, nothing went wrong they were accepting of me, I was very grateful for that

Tuesday was amazing, just like the other days, classes etc.  the guys in our dorm said we should have a chocolate milk party to go along with pizza night which was  Wednesday.. so that morning we started to put chocolate milk into our efy bags, we had some people go run it up to our dorm, we did this at breakfast, lunch and dinner. (There was a door in the main floor where our dorm rooms were, the door was along the wall. it had no handle/door knob, was pretty cool ha, a room with a fridge and other things)

After breakfast we had gospel study where we had personal reading for 30mins, after that we went to the morning side.. it was time to escort the girls again.. I tired hiding in the back like the day before but that didn't work, Jay found someone for me.. it was okay but I ran out with stuff to say and thought I was boring to be their escort.

Every morning side, and classes were amazing, I felt the spirit every time.. for the first two days I went to classes by myself, the 3rd day my friend Spencer who I meant the first day, we went to classes together it was fun, but he wanted to go with his company after the first two classes
I joined the musical program which took my free time up.

Wednesday was game night, it was tons of fun.. after we played games we went to our dorms and waited for our pizzas to get there, we got out the chocolate milk, we gathered 112 in two days, haha it was amazing!

During dinner on Wednesday I saw Kaytlin, she's someone from my ward and we were both surprise we were at the same efy, I didn't even know she was going to efy... she introduce me to her friend who's name is Mckenzi, (They go to the same school, I didn't learn that until later in the week)

Thursday was my favorite day of them all... we all dressed in church clothes and it was the day with the talent show, musical program, fireside and testimony meeting.
At the gospel study for that day, I asked a counselor if I could share a poem, she said yes so after we were done reading, she said I have something to share.. again all eyes on me I began to read it.

  ~Garden of Gethsemane~

Come see our savior
sorrowful is his soul
Tarry ye here, and watch with me

"Let this cup pass from me:
nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt"
Red poured down his mighty face
The pain he felt, the blood he bled

The agony he felt, for sins of mankind
Behold!, our beloved elder brother
In pain for our sins

He rose from his prayer
Sadness reach his face
his disciples sleepeth, " could ye not watch with me one hour?"
a second time, he went.

Tears come to me
This is my savior, and his suffering
For my very own sins

My elder brother
Arose, found his disciples heavy eyed
He stared, tears began to fall

He went a third time
His father’s will be done…
My savoir
Went to his disciples
Jesus started to weep

Disciples awoke
From his weeping
Their faces dazed

Continue to sleep, take your rest
The hour has come and the Son of God is about to be betrayed"
From what I saw, a lot of people were in tears.. a lot came up to me and thanked me for sharing that
At the musical program/fireside (We sang before fireside started), I messed up with my speaking part in the dress rehearsal.. I got nervous and stuttered, I got done speaking when the music started up, I felt like I would ruin the whole program to the point of asking if anyone else could do the speaking part... we went threw it a 2nd time and this time I did it.. ha everyone cheered, I thought it was cool.. when it was time for the real program I messed up but it was a little thing hardly anyone noticed.. I was on the wrong page, I quickly went to my page where my speaking part was on.. I got done right when the music started.. it was hard not to cry while singing and seeing pictures of Christ on the slideshow out of the corner of my eye.
When the choir went to sit down in our seats.. and listen to the fireside I cried many times listening to the talks, one was about the garden of Gethsemane, I reach in my pocket and grab out my poem.. I shared it with Spencer that day, he read it again and asked if he could pass it around (among us choir people).. when it got pass to me the guy on my left asked if I wrote it and thanked me for it, tears where in his eyes, and when we sang the efy medley, I started to cry.. Spencer  was there for me, he put his hand on my shoulder and we lean into a hug... when the song ended the fireside was done and it was time for testimony meeting.. a number of companies were in one room on the campus having their testimony meetings.. they called our company name.. soon it was Spencer's company which was called, we both stood up, gave each other a hug and he left.
the slideshow of the pictures of Jesus Christ was on, without the music.. I looked at it and began to cry, I felt the spirit so much

My company got called, so we started to leave.. Marcus is someone from my company.. he put his arm around my shoulder I did the same, we didn't spoke one word for the whole walk to the building where we had our testimony meeting.... I felt so much love from that it was unbelievable.
Me and Nathan when we were walking to get dinner before the musical program, we talked about the testimony meeting and we made a deal, if he goes up and bears his testimony.. I would go up, if I go up then he would.. we also  made a deal that each sunday we will go up in our wards and bear our testimony.. I need to start doing that again

So at testimony meeting he got up and bore his testimony.. I knew I had to go up, not cause he did.. because I needed to. I got up and told everyone how much I love my company.. in my testimony I said I told the guys in my company I have Asperger's Syndrome (The girls in my company didn't even know I have Asperger's)..  and that was very hard for me, I told them I had friends growing up but they all stop talking to me when they sense I was different, I belong to a priest quorum of 15 guys and only about 4 knew I have Asperger's.  I said I hardly told anyone I have Asperger's cause I don't want to be treated differently,  the whole time I was in tears, I could  barely look at anyone.. when I was done I went and sat down

After the meeting I receive a lot of hugs, people in my company, people out of it, the guys in my company were the last to leave the building.. we kept on hugging each other, it was very powerful, no one had dry eyes.

Friday evening we had the dance, a slideshow of the week, and two devotionals.. the first one included everyone in every company... 2nd was just companies devotional.. in closing we sang the efy medley.. this time I didn't cry much, but the young women in my company.. the beautiful daughters of God.. many were crying, half way threw the song, I reach in my pocket grab some tissue for the girl next to me.. when the song was done I was giving tissue to all of the girls.. one said "I want a group hug with Michael" 6-7 came in for the hug... it felt amazing, I loved giving the tissues to them.
I  received a lot of notes during Thursday and Friday. from just walking out of the building I received 3 notes.. it was unreal, I thought how could I impacted so many people
On the way to our dorm, the guys in my company we all put our arms on each other shoulders and sang hymns.. it was a powerful evening, once in my dorm I just sat by myself.. looking threw all of the notes, crying inside (Didn't want any of the guys to see me crying). I'm so grateful I could been there for people at efy.. this made me realize what I want to do when I grow up.. and what I believe is my "Mission" in life.. it's being there for people, being their light, the example they need, I want to be like John Bytheway, etc
I'm grateful that I was in the company, Great and Dreadful, I made a video for my company.. I hope you enjoy it also.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interview for new curriculum

Hey readers!,
Well.. you're kinda wondering what the title got to do?.. let me explain it
My church is testing out a new curriculum for the youth, in sunday school and YW/YM... and let me say this... it is truly amazing!

My ward along with a couple more in my stake are apart of it, not even my whole stake, there's only three other stakes in the whole world that are testing it out, one in Utah, Florida, and the Philippians
I am truly blessed to be apart of it, it's my last year in the YM program and this is just want I need, for preparing for my mission etc.

We're a couple of months into testing it out, so tonight me and some YM from my ward had a interview with people from Salt Lake City, Utah.. along with some other YM in one of the wards in my stake.
The interview was awesome, we were asked questions, they asked how we like the program, if there's anything we would like change, all in all we love it and there were just some minor problems that we told them, but in the end we all agree we love the curriculum and glad to be apart of it and hope everyone in the church can be apart of the program

One question was about, what are some things you seen that are different with this new curriculum.
someone from the other ward said "I have noticed the people who would go to classes  and listen but wouldn't talk much,  since the new curriculum, they been talking more, and being part of the lesson"

That described  me, I would go to class, listen to the lessons and instead of saying the answer I would say it in my head, I hardly spoke anything in Sunday school and quorums.. but since starting this curriculum it's all about the youth, the youth give their thoughts and you feel the spirit so much,  so I started talking, giving my thoughts.

After he said that.. I raise my hand and said "I was like that, I would hardly talk in class, but since this new curriculum I been talking each week, being part of the class"
The interviewer (there were two, I forgot their names) the one who asked most of the questions asked if anyone from my Priest quorum  was in the room with me, Justin sitting next to me was the only priest in the room from our quorum beside me, so he said that and he was asked, "Have you noticed Michael talking more, and what do you think of it"
Justin said he have noticed me being part of the class more, and said he loves hearing what I got to say, he said whenever Michael speaks he always in some way share his testimony"
I had a nice and warm feeling  when he said that.

When we were talking about the quorums I said the first lesson we had, we talked about how the quorum is like a council, and how we're suppose to counsel each other.
I hope the church will add this new curriculum in every stake.
My testimony have grown and this is just what I need right now to finish my last year in the Young Men.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Opportunity of a lifetime

Through your devoted service and willing to sacrifice, your mission will become holy ground to you

This talk was given by Elder Chistopher Waddell of the Seventy. He gave it in the priesthood session of General Conference October 2011. 
This was one of many talks that stood out to me, as I am preparing for a full time mission  
Tears came to my eyes as I listen to this truly amazing talk.. in his talk he said "Each mission is unique, with challenges and opportunities that stretch and test us according to our particular needs and personalities" I learned from listening to this that my mission will fit me, I'll be called to serve where God sees fit for me. 

He taught that our Heavenly Father know us, he knows our strengths and weaknesses, our abilities and potential. He knows which mission president and companions and which members and investigators we need in order to become the missionary  

Prophets, seers and revelators  assign missionaries under the direction and influence of the Holy Ghost. I know that when I will send my picture in with my mission papers that, they will send me where God want me to serve his children,  that they  may be fill with the Holy Ghost and by it's influence.
When I will receive my mission call, I'm pretty sure I'll be speechless... and not wanting to open the call, but when I do, the spirit will fill my body and I'll know in my heart, this is where God want me to serve.

From Elder Christopher Waddell he said, "In whatever manner the Lord may choose to bless us during the course of a mission, blessings of missionary service are not designed to end when we are released by our stake president. Your mission is a training ground for life. the  experiences, lessons, and testimony obtained through faithful service are meant to provide a gospel-centered foundation that will last throughout mortality and into the eternities."

I'm so grateful for my friends who are on their mission and who gotten their call and will leave shortly, I know they will do amazing out there.

God knows my weakness and he'll help me threw them, he will help my friends, and missionaries around the world. Our father in Heaven love all of us, I can not say that enough.. it has been something I have learned this year.. he know who I am, he knows what goes on in my life, and he loves me, he loves to hear from me when I pray. During trek this year I prayed, crying unto my savior for the strength, for the last day of trekking.. and he heard my prayer, he knew what I needed help with. 
Brothers and Sisters, as I been preparing for my mission what wonderful things I have learned, my testimony is growing every time I read and pray to my Father in Heaven.. I would counsel you to do the same.. even if you're not planning on going on a mission.. you will need   the relationship with God.. I can't thank one of my best friends enough... he made me realize God loves me, and to pray to him to build my relationship.. when he told me this I thought he might be right.. but I still didn't pray often or even read.. but when I started doing it, I have gain so much.

Please study the General Conference talks, you will learn something each time  you do, I have and I know you will.
Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it 


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Working out update 11/12/11

First I would like to thank my 9th follower, Chase for.. well following my blog, thanks man!
Well, this week I really focused on cardio , and man am I sore!
There's a workout called Plyometrics, it counts as a workout for the whole day.. but does it count for me?, No!
(P90X works everything, it not just cardio.. just I been really focusing myself on that, to loose more)
And I do enjoy saying the no, plyometrics is tough, just listen to Tony explain what this workout is about  on the 4th week until the 8th or 9th week you're suppose to add in 3 cardio workouts, they are called cardio X... but I been replacing that with plyometrics which is the "Mother of all workouts" and let me tell you this... it IS the mother of all workout, but I love it!
Tuesdays is when  plyometrics  is listed as a workout, this week I did it along with cardio X.
I been doing 2hours of workouts in a day, my goal for this up coming week is 4hours per day, I know i'll be able to do it... "I have not yet begun to fight!'
4 hours per week,  4x7, 28 hours right?.... if so dang!! haha but I'll do it
My church shoes are getting looser and annoying my feet, getting them red on the sides.. they weren't doing this a couple of weeks ago, so I googled it, and my guess was right, my feet as weird as it sounds are loosing fat, making my church shoes fit differently, I been loving all the signs I have seen, biceps getting some guns, clothes fitting better, shoes etc
Although... something that I don't get is, why the scale say I'm still around the same weight two weeks ago?,  I don't know maybe this sunday it'll be different, haven't weighed myself for a couple of days and that was at evening time, best to weight yourself in mornings, so sunday here I come... either way, whatever the scale says I'll still do the 4hours per day working out.
Things that keep me going is.. thoughts of walking into the MTC, (Missionary Training Center), getting a suit for church, when I'm all skinny like and smexy.  mutual in opening exercises when asked if anyone has any  announcements... I'll be so happy when I say I have lost 70 or 80 pounds, and still working on loosing more, to go on my mission, going on some dates... I have only been on two dates when I was 17, going with the local missionaries and being with them, I heard others have done this before going on their missions, I would love to do that. My amazing friends!, I have many things to keep me going and pushing myself, so.. Michael... has not yet begun to fight, as Tony (guy from P90X) says it... Bring it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Invitation to speak with God


In Priest quorum last year then one of my youth leader was teaching us a lesson, he grab from his bag, envelopes  for everyone we open them up.
There was a small letter saying  Invitation to speak with God  inside listed Who, Why, Where, When, Promise I have written out some of the scriptures, and so on, so enjoy.

Who- Moroni 7:48  " Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen"

Here are the whys: 2nd Nephi 32:9, 1st Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:5, Matthew 7:7-8, 3rd Nephi 18:15

1st Thessalonians 5:18: In every thing gives thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you"
Matthew 7:7-8: Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seekth findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened"
You need a desire to seek on you're own, I know that once you seek for yourself you will find you're answers, once you knock... it shall be opened.

Here are the Wheres: Matthew 6:6, D&C 19:28
D&C 19:28 "And again, I command thee, that thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart; yea, before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private" Don't be afraid to vocally say you're prayers when you're alone, they do help and  you get more out of them.

When:  Alma 34:21 and 1st Thessalonians 5:17
1st Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing" Alma 34:21 "Cry unto him in you're houses yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening"
We need to pray always, so we may have the spirit to be with us always.

Promise: Alma 37:37 and 3rd Nephi 18:20
3rd Nephi 18:20 "And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you" Our promise is that when we pray, our Heavenly Father will hear us.

Please, look up the rest of the scriptures.. you will love yourself if you do, you will get a deeper understanding, this is our invitation to speak with God ... John Bytheway has often said, "If you want to talk to God pray, if you want God to talk to you read you're scriptures
Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The power of hugs

Readers, have you ever noticed how powerful a hug can be?. hugs from you're friends they can really help
They can help when you're going threw something, or even just reminds you how much you're friends love you and are there for you.

I got my first hug when I was 15 years old, from someone outside of my family and around my age.. I was shocked at first.. it was a amazing moment for me... I remember feeling loved.

I'm glad for my friends who give me hugs a time or two.. a friend of mine named Spencer, when he first gave me a hug it felt so good too.. and I remember from scout camp in 2010, he left a day early and he gave me a hug that night before he left.. I loved that, and then later in the month we went on a boat for 2-3days as a Priest outing.. we took some pictures  and hug on the last day.

Hugs can really change you're mood, that is why they are so powerful to me... efy is just amazing you get hugs like everyday, one of many reasons why I love efy.. it's like a hug fest

A friend of mine I met at efy this year that just lives in town from me, we carpooled to our company efy reunion  in August, we got to the reunion which was so much fun, hugs went around with the few of us who showed up, haha
Part of the time coming home (3 hour drive, both ways), we were talking.. which I just loved, it gets hard for me to talk to people and have a good conversation.. but our conversation was great and when we got to my house he asked if he could give me a hug, so we both got out of the car and hugged each other.. I felt so much loved from that.

At efy then when we were singing the efy medley in our company on the last day, many girls from my group started to cry... I had tissue in my pocket and when the song was half way done I reached in and gave some tissue to the girl next to me, once the song was done I went around in my group giving the tissues to the girls,
One of them said "I just want a group hug with Michael!"  That was a really good moment
In Priest quorum   the following sunday, my youth leader asked how efy was... my ending note was about the last night when we sang the song and I got the group hug.. haha we were all laughing, cause my youth leader is just amazing haha!, today at church he was talking about the best of efy for this Saturday, when he was naming off the stakes he looked at me and said "oohhh, Michael is thinking of all the girls and thinking who will be there", we all laughed.. PQ is amazing

Friday, November 4, 2011

I have not yet begun to fight!

At efy this year, there were many talk that really hit me and I still remember a lot of it today
There was many other great talks, but this one I enjoyed a lot

John Paul Jones, born in Scotland, came to America later on, searching for his new life
He was a great seaman and once the revolutionary war broke out, he joined the US Navy
Back then.. our Navy was weak, they acted as pirates and  they sabotage the British ships

In September 1779, Jones served as captain of  Bonhomme Richard an old converted merchant vessel, and commanded a "fleet" of three smaller warships in the waters off Scotland and northern England when he encountered a British convoy carrying naval stores to England from the Baltic Sea region. Acting as an escort to this convoy were two British warships. The largest of these warships, which Jones engaged, was Serapis, a 44-gun vessel - though at the time carrying fifty guns - with a crew of 284. A ship of that size and firepower occupied a place in the eighteenth-century Royal Navy equivalent to a cruiser in its twentieth-century counterpart. From the battle's onset, Bonhomme Richard was at a disadvantage fighting a ship with superior firepower and maneuverability

He sailed to the Serapis, firing any firepower they had on their ship, which then got destroy from the 44-gun vessel.. Understanding immediately that it would be suicidal to continue to sail toward the vessel, he did so.
He got close enough  allowing his crew to use grapples and lines to secure Bonhomme Richard to the 44-gun vessel.
John Paul's ship was  so battered that it resembled more a raft than a fighting ship. In fact, the British gunners wreaked such devastation with their broadsides  that their  cannonballs would pass through Bonhomme Richard without hitting anything solid.

By this time  half of his crew were dead or wounded.  At this point in the battle, the senior warrant officer of Bonhomme Richard and the ship's carpenter, unable to see their captain or the first lieutenant and assuming both were dead, decided to surrender their sinking, burning ship. They called for a ceasefire and ran

 Hearing their calls for surrender, an enraged Jones drew his pistols and ran at them, shouting, "shoot them, kill them!"  Jones, finding his pistols unloaded, hurled his empty guns at the carpenter, the slower of the two fleeing men, striking him on the head and knocking him unconscious. The captain of the British warship, who heard the calls for surrender, yelled across to the Jones, taunting him. Jones then replied, "I have not yet begun to fight," - With that, the battle continued.

A Scottish seaman serving in Bonhomme Richard,  began to throw the eighteenth-century equivalent of hand grenades onto the deck of the enemy. One of these "grenades" rolled down a partially opened hatch and landed near cartridges that had been stacked along the portside guns of the Serapis. Because of the position of the two ships, these guns were not in action and these spare cartridges were piled behind them. The grenade's explosion ignited these cartridges, which in turn ignited other cartridges on the gun deck creating a flash-fire, which had a devastatingly horrible effect in the cramped gun deck filled with men and officers. Twenty crewmen died instantly and another thirty were badly injured. Several of these men - their clothes burned off, their skin seared, and their hair on fire - jumped out of the ship's gun ports into the sea. With this disaster, the big guns of Serapis fell silent.

When news of the disaster was conveyed to the captain, Richard Pearson, he decided to surrender and save his remaining crew from slaughter. Calling for quarter, he personally made his way to the rear of the warship and hauled down the battle ensign. Thus ended the three-and-one-half-hour battle. Jones and his crew had prevailed and had captured the enemy's vessel, which was fortunate since the badly damaged Bonhomme Richard sank shortly after the battle. Against long odds and a formidable foe, they had achieved a remarkable victory.

The battle was over.
Brother McDonald shared stories from the book of Mormon too,   he talked to us about when you feel like giving up, don't and to think of "I have not yet begun to fight!" he bore his testimony to us, efy was the first week of July, it's now the first week of November... I have not forgotten those words
I used them while I was on trek, been using it while I work out too, I have not yet begun to fight!

Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

Monday, October 31, 2011

Update 10/31/11

Hey readers, well it been 30 days since I started my plan.. and I liked the plan I made for myself, my church clothes are fitting better, there's room in my church pants, shirt too but more room in my pants.

I'll keep doing the plan until I get to the weight where I'll be happy at, I been gaining muscle and drinking water a lot so the scale haven't changed a whole lot.. but hey clothes fitting better that's all what matters for now
Church has been amazing this week and the fireside we had for some wards in my stake (we're apart of a test program the church have asked us, along with 4 other stakes to be apart of it) and I been loving the program so much..
the stakes are from FL, UT, WA-(My stake) and one in the Philippines... I think there's one more but I cannot remember where it's located at.
I been gaining a testimony on reading the scriptures, I feel very much at peace when I do read
Sorry for not posting for a little while and just jamming in working out and church in one post, I'll post again soon on more church base things, probably a topic I have research and taught myself about.

Endure to the end, stay strong in the gospel and you won't regret it

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The life of Asperger's (At least for me)

I would like to share with you  what Asperger's Syndrome is to me in my life
First of all, Asperger's is a high functioning autism 
As the title says (At least for me) the reason behind that is because people with Asperger's won't share 100% of the same  symptoms, two people aren't alike with Asperger's.
But in every case, you'll have someone who wants to be social (me) and people with Asperger's who are a bit of anti-social.
As I go on just   something you should know, someone with Asperger's is called an Aspie for short, and Asperger's Syndrome is refer to as AS.

Asperger's interests:   people with AS may develop an intense, almost obsessive, interest in a few areas, such as sports schedules, weather, or maps... my "obsessive" interest is World War Two, I love learning about it, last year for my birthday I only asked for ww2 books and that what I got, I got a couple in my room

Problems with social skills: people with AS generally have difficulty interacting with one another and are awkward in social situations. They generally do not make friends easily, it's hard to keep eye contact.. I don't even know how to explain it.. when I was younger I could not look someone in the eyes, now being 18 years old, I'm better with it, I can keep eye contact for a short amount of time, it gets better ever so often.

Many aspie teens   are enjoying each other's company through Internet chatrooms, forums and message boards, I have joined a message board myself and I did enjoy talking to people who could relate to me, how I was feeling etc.
In the teenage years the person may become acutely aware of a lack genuine friendship and exclusion from the social activities of their peers. They may become depressed
Another concern is an assumption made by the person with Asperger's Syndrome that if they like someone, then the other person has the same degree of commitment. They may not recognize the other person's signals of a casual or platonic friendships

Loneliness and friendships: Aspie teens typically become more isolated socially during a period when they crave friendships and inclusion more than ever, Aspies often face rejection, isolation and bullying
I never been bullied before but.. rejection, yes same with isolation
as Aspies go through adolescence, most realize that they are missing out by not fitting in. It is at this point in their lives that they crave friendships, yet this unfulfilled desire on top of high school pressure to conform, constant rejection and harassment can often cause clinical depression in Aspie teens. They grow more isolated even as they crave more interaction with others. Young Aspie children often believe everyone in their kindergarten is the same and everyone is a friend. Aspie teens know better... yes sadly we do know better once we're teens and look around at others.

many Aspies are too anxious to initiate social contact... there for I'm always the quiet one in the room, it takes time for me to feel comfortable with talking to someone, but once I get comfortable we have a good time talking. 

For years I have told myself I'm a freak "I don't get invited to parties cause i'm a freak" "No one really talks to me cause i'm a freak" etc.. I gave myself labels growing up as a teen was so hard.. but it's getting better.. and I have myself a label now, along with others.. and it's "A Child of God" we are all children of our Heavenly Father, don't forget that!... I had
Having Asperger's is very hard at times, and I wish I can live without it.. but something I have learn is it's who I am.. and I can't change that, I just wish I could be better with interacting with others
This video has helped me a lot, I watched it at a fireside when I was in the back of the room sitting by myself


Readers, here is an update with working out

I weighed myself today, it has been two weeks and a half, seeing I was sick for part of the 2nd week
I looked down at the number and just got so mad and thought it will never work.. I lost 5lbs.. but today at church when I got behide the sacrament table.. I noticed something.. I got  in without me touching the table or the back when I tired to "squeeze"  to the beach, that made my feelings of giving up go away
A good friend of mine said to me, "Satan knows my goal to loose the weight to be able to serve my mission, so if he can stop me from loosing weight he can stop me from going on a mission"
Good luck Satan, but you got to try harder then that.. I been hitting the books so good luck!, can't wait until I can go out and serve.
endure to the end, stay strong in the gospel and you won't regret it

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Well.... yoga is my least favorite work out.. it's 30mins more then any of the other works out, so a total of a hour and a half
Plus it's pretty hard doing yoga when you're like.. over weight, it's more difficult and I can only do about 20 moves from the workout, the rest of the workouts I can handle.. but yoga I just hate it so much.... right now that is I guess.
But my clothes have been fitting better, so that is good.. I'll be doing my first weigh-in this Sunday
Yesterday at mutual the priest quorum were carving pumpkins, we made some cookies to deliver to a family along with the carved pumpkins, we made extra cookies so we could have some too.. it was hard to follow my 30 day plan there, smelling the cookies and seeing them but I was able to stick with my plan and I felt good afterwards. 
I  been drinking water and one cup of milk each day since I started my 30 day plan..  as things to drink, I been eating of course, I drink around 4-5+ cups of water in the day.. will be getting some protein shake mix soon.. 
I'm excited for the weigh in and wonder what my number will be

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week two results

Hey guys, well as the title says.. here are some results so far (yayyay!)
When I went on trek then I wore  a blue shirt everyday, I did had an extra shirt but it was to tight for trekking so I just wore it on the last day, the shirt that was to tight now fits very comfortable, the blue shirt there's a lot of room when I wear  it now!, this picture kinda looks bad but I hope you're able to see the results, it only been two weeks of working out too so.

Trek-The Rescue Through Christ

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light- Matthew 11:28-30

As I met my trek family I was glad I knew at least someone in it
When we started to trek all was well for me, just the path seem forever when you try looking up and see companies way ahead of you and they weren't even done trekking for the day
As we stop for lunch, there was an reenactment.. something the man said made me realize deep down how hard the  pioneers went threw.. "I was only allow to have 17 pounds of supplies to bring with me, do you know how much 17 pounds is?, that's my set of scriptures, a violin and a change of clothes"
When I heard this.. I tired not to cry thinking of how hard they went threw, I had never really thought of it to much.

When we got to our camp site later that day.. I was so exhausted and my feet were in so much pain, I pulled off my shoes and saw a couple of blisters.. I went to get them bandaged up, I told my family about it and the next day we took some more stops for my feet.. I felt like I was a burden to my family

If I wasn't pushing the handcart I would fall behind of my family because I would take fewer steps the pain was just so much... when I was pushing the handcart I tired to think of how pioneers had done it, and that  helped  with the pain somewhat
When we stop for lunch for the 2nd day, it was a nice rest.. but when it was time to start trekking after 30mins... I just couldn't I was in pain by just standing up, when I was helping  gather  our supplies to put in our handcart I told my Pa that I was sorry but I cannot finish the last couple of miles for today, I stopped  the tears before they came.. I didn't want anyone to see me like this...
I was then driven to base camp, the whole time I looked out the window of the truck... my hat down so no one could see me... I was to ashamed with myself.
Before leaving to head up to camp with the cooks, I helped clean the buckets that lunch was in.. I felt good for helping them.

Later in the evening, there was a program leading up to getting a letter from home from your parents.. mine was by my mom and I loved every bit of it.. it almost made me cry while I read it... tonight while I read it tonight it did made me cry.. and I love it even more..
That night when I got in my tent to sleep... I begged, I pleaded with my Father in Heaven, I told him I need the strength to finish the trek in the morning, I could not finish it on my own.. with tears in my eyes for the first time at trek.. I finished my prayer, asking and pleading for him to watch over the women in my company, that they would be able to do the women pull in the morning, without much difficultly..

When I woke up the next day.. I could hardly stand up in my tent without falling.. I took my bucket and walk towards the medical tent where they bandage my feet.. a priest from my ward saw me walking and took my bucket we walked to the medical tent together.. once there he took my meal supplies and went and got my breakfast for me.. the person bandaging up my feet is an Brother from my ward, I was glad he was working on my feet, we talked about how trek been going so far

It was then time for my company to start trekking we were the first to start that day.. my feet were still in pain, once we were a half of a mile into trekking the pain went away and did so for a long time, I was able to keep up with my family this time
Once we got to the women pull... all the young men went ahead of them to the top of the hill.. where we had a short lesson, while trekking up the hill I talked to my Pa and someone else who was walking with us.. I said "Why can't the men help the women?" the man said to me "Why?, you feel sorry for them and want to help them?" I said yes..  the man said "Good, you're suppose to feel that way" and he smiled. it was hard not to cry again here..
Once they got to the top the young men were allow to help push the rest of the way, once my company got there I started to push along with them

We all rest for a little bit then we had the chance of taking off our shoes and wearing potatoes sacks to get a feel of what the pioneers had to go threw, I was taking mine off and my Ma, some trek sisters and others were worried for me, even my own sister from my company.. but I did it for the half of a mile, I fell behind of course walking on the dirt with rocks and no shoes with blisters.

After lunch we headed onward!, onward every onward, now I began to fall behind, my feet were in pain from the blisters yet again.. when I fell behind my family yelled my name and I started to run to them, passing other families in my company, me and my Pa running to catch up.. our family stop for me.. this happened a couple more times and each time it did more and more people would shout and cheer me on.. it felt amazing to do that, once we got to eye view to Zion I took my family flag, waved it high in the air and we all ran into Zion!
Later that evening we had testimony meetings as a company... such a powerful meeting it was, I got up bored my testimony, on prayer and I testify of it.. my old stake  1st or 2nd counselor  (My stake slip last year) thanked me for sharing my testimony... I really enjoy that night. I'm glad I went on trek.. was a testimony builder for me, every single time I looked down at my bandaged feet.. I thought of the pioneers and the frostbit they suffer threw.
Readers, endure to the end, stay strong in the gospel and you won't regret it

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My plan for 30 days

Hello readers,
As I was working out today doing P90X, it felt so good!... I was sick for three days and couldn't work out and was finally able to get back to sweating the fat off!.
My baby sister who will be 4 this month, she likes to come and do exercise with me, I do enjoy the company and she's so funny trying to do it with me
My plan for 30 days is not eating/drinking anything bad for me, example: cookies, ice cream, any kind of juice, soda, (even diet soda), chips, bananas and grapes (Which are some of the sweetest fruits there is with sugar)
Even Sunday day cereal, in my family on Sunday mornings we have cereal  which is like chocolate pebbles etc. it's fast and easy for getting to church that starts at 9am!.
My mom bake some cinnamon rolls for Saturday breakfast, won't have any tomorrow!, we'll see how this 30 days will go.. I'm thinking once I reach day 30, I will keep doing it until my weight is where I want it to be. When I reach day 15, I'll update on how my plan is going, until then
Remember readers.. endure to the end, stay strong and you won't regret it

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life trials, brings out our strengths

Dear readers, whoever you might be..

I been thinking of trials lately and how can they bring out our strengths?, trials can be short term and long term, I have had both and I'm sure all of you have had them as well, if not then how could we be human?, we were  all choice spirits in Heaven were we lived with our Father and his son. We begged to come to earth to receive our mortal bodies.. we knew when we came to earth there would be trials facing us, we knew we would struggle, but we still begged for the bodies, we wanted to be like our Heavenly Father and his son.. I can see myself  being there as a choice spirit begging and crying for my body, I knew when I came to earth I would have the trials I do now, learning  disabilities and Aspager's.. etc.
let look at short term trials.. and this is just an example  when I was doing trek this year, by the 2nd day I had seven or eight blisters.. and my feet were in so much pain that I could not finish the last couple of miles for that day, I was driven to base camp,  later that night when I was in my tent.. I begged to my Heavenly Father that I would be able to finish the trek strong in the morning.. I woke up and tired standing in the tent.. I about fell down.. I forced myself to get up, after getting some breakfast I headed to my family and company, our company was the first to start trekking, my feet hurt for the first half of a mile, then I was able to keep up with my family... it was a testimony builder for prayer.

Long term example: Having Aspager's and growing up.. I was friendless for fifteen years, it was very hard for me,  I felt alone all the time, did anyone even love me?...  but that has taught me something that is my strength from this trial, it's being there for anyone I know what it feels like to be alone, the outcast, I don't want anyone to feel that way, I'll be a true friend, like all the friends I have made over the years.
At times.. I have those bad days and think I'm all alone.. D&C: 121-7-9 is one of my favorite scripture

 7:My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;

 8: And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.

 9:Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.
I feel much love and peace from my Heavenly Father when I read this.. remember readers... Endure to the end, stay strong, and you won't regret it