Friday, December 16, 2011

My Struggles Soon Gone

I been dealing with some struggles lately.. mostly about just wanting the weight to lose faster, but how can I lose more then 3lbs in a day?, which has been the most I have lost in a day, the short answer... I can't really.
It's so tough to start the workouts, I always dread doing it but once I'm done I feel much better and my body feels great too.

In a day I normally do an hour of treadmill full incline, jogging/walking.. and that works very well, lose the most weight by doing the treadmill, the thing I hate is the sweat it's all over you and I just don't like how it feels.

I also been hating upon myself for getting to where I am, it took me 18 years to get to the state I am in now, and.. I just hate myself for that, but you know what?, it took me 18 years to get here, but won't take me 18 years to lose the weight.

Last week when I put on my church pants, I had to keep pulling them up, I look forward to each week putting on my church clothes, each time there more room.

I have talked to some of my friends about these feelings and how thoughts of giving up came to mind.. well won't happen this time.

Reason: I want to go on my mission, I want to serve my Lord and teach the people he wants me to teach, and once I do lose the weight.. I'll be happier in life, I'll be able to live my full life:

March-April is when I'm planning I'll be done losing the weight, I look how far away it is now and think.. "Will I even get here?" the question.. is yes and then guess what?.... the beast shall unleash itself with the smexiness
Yep, I made that up myself... how could you tell?.

One day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time.. and I'll get there
I'll be getting a church suit, and that will do well with the smexiness

(To the ladies) Wouldn't you date or hang out with a beastly guy with curly hair who wears a black church suit to church?.. if I was a girl and I knew a guy like that, then I would * cough cough, you should do the same*
Oh yeah, the guy is spiritual and love going to church, oh might I add he has blue eyes that will shine in the moonlight?, and... I'll stop now, you gotten the point :)

Enjoy the laughs which follow up there ^ (To the guy, but  the girls will think it's dreamy, huh?)
I'll use my weight lost story in many of my talks which I'll do once I'm older, I want to become like John Bytheway.


  1. Michael,

    I found your blog through facebook. I think your posts about the Gospel are great. Just please keep in mind that losing weight is not the only thing that can make you happy. It's definitely a worthy goal if it will help you be eligible to serve a mission. But don't let it define you! There are lots of women who love curly hair and black suits! :) I know it's a bit of a cliched phrase, but trusting in the Lord also means trusting in His timing. He has a plan for all of us. Good luck with your goals!

  2. Thanks Christi!,
    Thanks for you're comment, and yeah you are right but if I want to be able to live my life, I got to lose the weight, I added the button part in for laughs :-D
