Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Kindness Of A Tap On The Shoulders

I want to share this experience I went through, although I did not know of it until years after it took place.

When I was younger, my stuttering was worse then it is now, I mainly just stutter now when I'm nervous, before I would stutter  everytime. I went to my first scout camp when I was 12 years old, I remember being in a car driving up there with some of the priest in my ward (16-18 years old) they were talking about something like money for the trading post. I wanted to be "cool" among the priests, so I said I had 5 bucks instead of 5 dollars. hah... they laughed. I think I would done the same.

So, as I have said.. my stutter was a lot worse then it is now, so during the fishing class I took, we were all sitting in a group and the scout master or whoever was teaching the class was talking to us and if we had questions, he would answer it. I asked a question. I most likely stuttered a lot as I asked the question. I would hardly ask questions in classes, because I know it'd be hard to understand me, so instead of talking and having to repeat myself, I would usually stay silent..

But for some reason, I said something.

End of story... right?, no.

What I did not know until years later, when I myself was a teacher/priest (15-16) I was at some meeting, and the person who taught the class was there, he remembered me and talked of what happened, I had no clue of it until he told me

A couple of the other guys in the class were sitting behind me and were making fun of how I talked..
when a priest in my ward, tapped them on their shoulders and silently told them to knock it off.
The act was quick and quiet. after the class I went on my way to my next classes.

Not knowing.

It could of been easy, for the priest to join  the quiet laughter, or even  not do anything and let them have their "fun" but he did something, he knew what they were doing was wrong, and made them stop.

from this, he impacted the teacher, who remember what happened all those years later, and who know, by tapping the other guys on the shoulder, he could of made them realize what they were doing was wrong, and they would think twice before doing something like this again.

the song "I'm Trying to be like Jesus"

1. I'm trying to be like Jesus;
I'm following in his ways.
I'm trying to love as he did, in all that I do and say.
At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice,
But I try to listen as the still small voice whispers,

"Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
For these are the things Jesus taught.

This priest, no one told him to do it, he just showed kindness. have we been one of the guys to make fun of others?, or let something we know isn't nice happen and don't do anything?, or have we been the one to stand up and make it stop?

He did a small act, which took a couple of seconds, which he may of thought nothing off since that day. that's the point though, showing kindness, love, charity. can be something small like this, or much bigger.

This is a poem I wrote, about charity, which is the pure love of Christ.

The Savior said, love one another
This is the gift of Charity
In a world where people would rather
judge each other and show no love,
Charity is becoming the unpopularity
Charity is everlasting love
It is, the pure love of Christ
When we love as he did, he smiles above
He has infinite love for us, that he paid the priced.
With Charity, we can endure
Charity is the greatest gift of all
It makes us pure
Hold onto Charity, for all else must surely fall
Look to do good
So we may be partakers of salvation
Because in this life being good, is something we should
We need a strong foundation
Christ said, as I have loved you, love one another
Work towards having this perfect love
Don't let people suffer
But show them love

Watch this video from President Thomas S Monson too.