Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interview for new curriculum

Hey readers!,
Well.. you're kinda wondering what the title got to do?.. let me explain it
My church is testing out a new curriculum for the youth, in sunday school and YW/YM... and let me say this... it is truly amazing!

My ward along with a couple more in my stake are apart of it, not even my whole stake, there's only three other stakes in the whole world that are testing it out, one in Utah, Florida, and the Philippians
I am truly blessed to be apart of it, it's my last year in the YM program and this is just want I need, for preparing for my mission etc.

We're a couple of months into testing it out, so tonight me and some YM from my ward had a interview with people from Salt Lake City, Utah.. along with some other YM in one of the wards in my stake.
The interview was awesome, we were asked questions, they asked how we like the program, if there's anything we would like change, all in all we love it and there were just some minor problems that we told them, but in the end we all agree we love the curriculum and glad to be apart of it and hope everyone in the church can be apart of the program

One question was about, what are some things you seen that are different with this new curriculum.
someone from the other ward said "I have noticed the people who would go to classes  and listen but wouldn't talk much,  since the new curriculum, they been talking more, and being part of the lesson"

That described  me, I would go to class, listen to the lessons and instead of saying the answer I would say it in my head, I hardly spoke anything in Sunday school and quorums.. but since starting this curriculum it's all about the youth, the youth give their thoughts and you feel the spirit so much,  so I started talking, giving my thoughts.

After he said that.. I raise my hand and said "I was like that, I would hardly talk in class, but since this new curriculum I been talking each week, being part of the class"
The interviewer (there were two, I forgot their names) the one who asked most of the questions asked if anyone from my Priest quorum  was in the room with me, Justin sitting next to me was the only priest in the room from our quorum beside me, so he said that and he was asked, "Have you noticed Michael talking more, and what do you think of it"
Justin said he have noticed me being part of the class more, and said he loves hearing what I got to say, he said whenever Michael speaks he always in some way share his testimony"
I had a nice and warm feeling  when he said that.

When we were talking about the quorums I said the first lesson we had, we talked about how the quorum is like a council, and how we're suppose to counsel each other.
I hope the church will add this new curriculum in every stake.
My testimony have grown and this is just what I need right now to finish my last year in the Young Men.

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