Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Opportunity of a lifetime

Through your devoted service and willing to sacrifice, your mission will become holy ground to you

This talk was given by Elder Chistopher Waddell of the Seventy. He gave it in the priesthood session of General Conference October 2011. 
This was one of many talks that stood out to me, as I am preparing for a full time mission  
Tears came to my eyes as I listen to this truly amazing talk.. in his talk he said "Each mission is unique, with challenges and opportunities that stretch and test us according to our particular needs and personalities" I learned from listening to this that my mission will fit me, I'll be called to serve where God sees fit for me. 

He taught that our Heavenly Father know us, he knows our strengths and weaknesses, our abilities and potential. He knows which mission president and companions and which members and investigators we need in order to become the missionary  

Prophets, seers and revelators  assign missionaries under the direction and influence of the Holy Ghost. I know that when I will send my picture in with my mission papers that, they will send me where God want me to serve his children,  that they  may be fill with the Holy Ghost and by it's influence.
When I will receive my mission call, I'm pretty sure I'll be speechless... and not wanting to open the call, but when I do, the spirit will fill my body and I'll know in my heart, this is where God want me to serve.

From Elder Christopher Waddell he said, "In whatever manner the Lord may choose to bless us during the course of a mission, blessings of missionary service are not designed to end when we are released by our stake president. Your mission is a training ground for life. the  experiences, lessons, and testimony obtained through faithful service are meant to provide a gospel-centered foundation that will last throughout mortality and into the eternities."

I'm so grateful for my friends who are on their mission and who gotten their call and will leave shortly, I know they will do amazing out there.

God knows my weakness and he'll help me threw them, he will help my friends, and missionaries around the world. Our father in Heaven love all of us, I can not say that enough.. it has been something I have learned this year.. he know who I am, he knows what goes on in my life, and he loves me, he loves to hear from me when I pray. During trek this year I prayed, crying unto my savior for the strength, for the last day of trekking.. and he heard my prayer, he knew what I needed help with. 
Brothers and Sisters, as I been preparing for my mission what wonderful things I have learned, my testimony is growing every time I read and pray to my Father in Heaven.. I would counsel you to do the same.. even if you're not planning on going on a mission.. you will need   the relationship with God.. I can't thank one of my best friends enough... he made me realize God loves me, and to pray to him to build my relationship.. when he told me this I thought he might be right.. but I still didn't pray often or even read.. but when I started doing it, I have gain so much.

Please study the General Conference talks, you will learn something each time  you do, I have and I know you will.
Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it 


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