Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Working Out Update and Making First Impressions

Working out has been going great, I will reach 100+ miles this week and it has only been about 8-9 days biking, crazy huh?. this will be the last time I share the total miles, until I am all the way finished, just to make it a real big surprise. Also on Friday I was able to bike 15 miles in the same amount of time I biked 13, so that was awesome!, I haven't done it since then, my legs have been killing.. they might go to jail soon, which would suck.. could someone bail them out please? hahaha

This is what I have been eating. in the mornings I have a shake, the days I go into work then head to gym right after work, I take a low-fat yogurt and eat that before heading to the gym, I also bring a bag of carrots which I eat after I finished working out while I wait for the bus, then once i'm home I either make a salad (No ranch dressing) I use some healthier kind and it taste pretty good, or I make some tomato soup and two chicken breasts. then if I'm hungry a couple of hours later, I have a protein bar, then make something for dinner.

Getting the membership is a big step for actually being able to lose the weight, I have tried to lose weight in the past, and I did actually, the most I ever lost was when I was 18 and working towards getting mission ready, I lost 40 pounds, but things came up, moving and got out of the habit, now I'm paying for the membership and don't really want to waste my money, so.. ha.

This is going to be an awesome week, it is my birthday on the 31st, I'm getting a group of friends together to go watch the Avengers movie, and then later that evening is a YSA activity, which is a barn dance, so that'd be pretty cool. Also a good friend of mine who I met at efy in 2011 is flying on Friday and staying for my birthday weekend!, ha how awesome is that?
I hope to be able to take pictures of the weekend so I can share them for next week's post.

I want to talk about first impressions, people say first impressions are everything.
I've realize that I'm not good with first impressions. people may think I'm to quiet, I don't look them in the eyes while talking, I move my hands around my face as I talk to some people, when I'm nervous I mess around with my wrist watch. I'm not much of a talker in groups. I have my moments, a few weeks ago at a YSA BBQ a friend of mine was talking about getting her nails done, I pulled my hands out of my pockets and said "Oh I need to get my nails done too!" said in a jokingly way, the group of friends laughed, I laughed as well. but 90% of the time I just listen. I'm a lot better with one on one conversations, but it's also hard for me to go up and be the first one to talk.

I've noticed there have been some people from the branch who say hi to me, and talk a little with me, but I'm still not "at the point" when I feel comfortable going up to them and talking first, and by doing this, it may drive them away because their trying to talk to me but I may seem to be "avoiding them"

Like just yesterday, my YSA Branch was doing a BBQ/Swim activity, I walked around, listened in of a group talking, walked around again,  because I felt awkward just standing by the group not talking, then I just stood by myself and  I was just noticing how everyone was talking to each other, I thought how is that possible?.. how are they doing it?, why can't I be like them?

Ah, what a life of being an introvert and having Aspergers, hahah, but it's my life.
It likes I want to be social, but I don't know how. I guess I just need to work on it, work on at least trying to say "Hi" first. it's a two letter word, you'll think it'd be easy enough, right? haha
That is my challenge for this week, to try to talk first, we'll see how it goes :D.

                          Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

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