Sunday, August 5, 2012

YSA Conference

I attended the YSA Conference, well... the NWAYSA Conference. it stand for North West (Something, forgot what the A stood for) Young single adult, it was amazing!!

On Saturday I took a couple of classes, the things which stood out to me were the Atonement is there for you,  you don't earn it, the price is paid... Christ died for our sins
If you feel like you're unworthy to use the Atonement, you don't understand the Atonement, I was able to understand the Atonement more clearer then I did before
I also took a class titled "A Mission for me?"
It makes me want to go on my mission even more, the people teaching the class were mission presidents (there where two couples) we were able to write down questions we have about the mission, my question was "If someone have a speech problem, can they go foreign speaking?" the teachers were talking about getting physical ready,one of the couple  a story of someone who went out with the missionaries for a week, and he was overweight and that whole week he lost a pound everyday. Once the story was done being told I raise my hand and told them that I been preparing for my mission, I have lost 25-30lbs already and I will be starting on my papers once I lose some more weight
Then one of the teacher, I forgot his name but he told me that during his time as a mission president they had a couple missionaries who stuttered, and he said that even though they stutter they were able to learn the language I can't wait to learn where I get called to go on my mission and find out if I have to learn a language if I do, it'd be a challenged but I'll be ready to face it, it might get hard at times but I know God will help me 

Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it   

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