Hey readers,
Well as I have posted about already, I'm moving but I didn't know when.. but now I do, I'm moving on the 6th of this month
It's a sad time, for leaving my ward which I have grown up in all my life, but it's also a time for new experiences, a new stake and ward, new people as well
I visited the family ward last week with my family, I attended the family ward for two hours but then I went to the single ward (They meet in same building, which is also new, in my old ward we were the only ward who went to the building)
I liked the family ward and the hour I spent in the single ward, I met up with my friend Nathan from efy at the single ward, and I saw two other people who I know, so it was all good, I will go back this week for the full three hours
Packing to move take a lot of work.... and boxes, we got 100 boxes all pack, and we still got more to pack, we been throwing away a lot of useless stuff and just random things which we don't use anymore
I went to my last fireside in my ward, it was an RM fireside, his name is Danny, in one of his stories he told us about his best companion
This companion have a speech impediment, he had a hard time talking to people, Danny said this was how he started talking to people "Hi, W----W---We're Miss--Missionaries", Danny said it was very hard for his companion to talk to people, but once he got comfortable and became friends with people, he didn't had such a hard time talking to them
This story makes me think of me, Some of you who don't know me in real life, but I have a speech impediment as well, and I'm the same way as Danny's companion.
When Danny was telling this story, it was hard not to cry, I felt the spirit so strongly
He told us that his companion had a real desire to go on his mission.... as do I, I'm losing the weight for my mission, I'm studying, preparing myself, I want to be the best missionary I can be
After the fireside, I was talking to Danny, I was stuttering and took me couple of seconds for the words to come out, I told him that the story of his companion make me think of me, when I go on my mission
He said that he know I'll be a great missionary and he said he will keep in touch with me (because I'm moving) he told me to let him know when I get my call
I know that the Gospel is true, if it wasn't then I wouldn't be going on my mission
Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it