Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Priesthood meeting 5/15/12

Hey there, well I went to a priesthood meeting tonight, for young men 12-18 and our parents.
It was an amazing evening, the talks were amazing I felt the spirit  so much.
then all the seniors in High school were asked to get up
So we all sat down and then we were asked some questions from our stake presidency

But before they gave us the questions, my stake president shared something about each senior, for me he said that "We have a senior here who have trouble verbaly but I know he writes better then the rest sitting up  here"
He went on with saying some great things for the other seniors, in sports or instruments and so on

The questions we were given, I had to think for a bit what to answer back, but I couldn't really find anything which haven't already been coverd
One of the question was "What has help you as you prepare to go on a mission?" (Something along those lines)
I told them about last fall, when I challenge   myself to read the Book of Mormon before the new year, I was doing good, reading each day.. and then I stopped reading for couple of days, which turned into couple of weeks
I still wanted to finish before the new year, so I told myself I would read 50 pages per day, I believe it took me three days and then I saved the book of Moroni for the forth day and last day

I then end saying the Book of Mormon is true
Once the whole meeting was over, a lot of people came up and thanked me for giving my comment, and for saying the opening prayer.
It was nice to see other seniors in this stake, being homeschool I don't really know who they are, I only knew one of them who used to live in my ward

I love being a young man in this church, in God's church I know that it is true, and these are the latter days when Satan strives to pull us down into darkness and sin. But we can fight him off by putting on the whole armor of God and seeking help from our friends
Friendship was mentioned a couple of times at the meeting, from us seniors.
I'm glad to have the friends I do now

Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it

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