Everyone of us, were given talents, special gifts and abilities. We should use these to help strengthen each other, during the great, and not so great parts of life.
In the GP book, it reads "Sometimes we think we do not have many talents or that other people have been blessed with more abilities then we possess. Sometimes we do not use our talents because we are afraid that we might fail or be criticized by others. We should not hide our talents. We should use them."
I remember when I was 10-13 years old, I asked my mom if I had any talents, because I didn't see myself having any. I saw some other people talents and abilities, but I couldn't see my own.
"But Michael, I actually feel the like that, I don't see myself having any talents at all"
In the GP book, it list 6 things... I'll just call them the 6 tips.
1) There are certain things we must do to develop our talents, First we must discover our talents. We should evaluate ourselves to find our strengths and abilities. Our family and friends can help us do this. We should also ask our Heavenly Father to help us learn about our talents
2) We must be willing to spend the time and effort to develop the talent we are seeking.
3) We must have faith that our Heavenly Father will help us, and we must have faith in ourselves
4) We must learn the skills necessary for us to develop our talents. We might do this by taking a class, asking a friend to teach us, or reading a book.
5) We must practice using our talents. Every talent takes effort and work to develop. The master of a talent must be earned
6) We must share our talents with others. It is by our using our talents that they grow
All of these steps are easier if we pray and seek the Lord's help. He wants us to develop our talents, and He will help us.
Those are really great tips. if you don't put in any effort into discovering the talents, you won't develop them. Share your talents so you'll become better with the talent and they will grow.
And sometimes... we must go through a trial before we discover a talent/gift/abilities
For me, I had to go through growing up with Aspergers and how hard that was for me, but from that trial, I learn to write. I could of stopped writing once things got better, I could of not share my poetry to others, I was on and off with writing for awhile, I could of stopped then and never write poetry again. because I didn't see my poetry as good, I was confused with how people could possible like my poetry.
But now I see how much my poetry can help and strengthen other people, I'm glad I still write today.
We can still develop our talents during our weakness.
If you've read some of my earlier blog posts, you would know that I want to become a speaker to the youth within the church. to be able to do that.. you actually have to speak, I have had the fear because of my speech, would I even be able to become a speaker?. but since I've been teaching in church more often, I can actually see myself becoming one. I will still stutter every so often, but yeah, that's my weakness. I liked what it says in the GP book
"Because we are mortal and fallen, we have weaknesses. With the Lord's help, our weakness and fallen nature can be overcome. Beethoven composed his greatest music after he was deaf. Enoch overcame his slowness of speech to become a powerful teacher"
I really like the end of that... Enoch overcame his slowness of speech to become a powerful teacher. I think of myself as a good teacher, not a "powerful" teacher ha, but I can use that to relate to what I want to become... a speaker.
This is also from the GP book.
Heber J Grant overcame many of his weakness and turned them into talents. He had as a motto these words "That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do, not that the nature of the thing is changed, but that our power to do is increased"
"But Michael, that's all nice and all... but I can't sing, write, make art, not good with making things with my hands etc, I don't have any talents"
Oh, my young padawan.
Sometimes talents aren't meant for the stage, talents could be, being patient, understanding of others, being cheerful, being a good teacher/leader the list can go on, don't think about being in a talent show, but being in a variety show.
We're all here to help uplift each other.
I wrote this poem for the lesson I gave.
Hello, I am your talent
Listen to what I have to say
I may not fit in on the center stage
I'm with you everyday
Patience, cheerfulness, a good listener, to name a few
Are things I could be
No voice of an angel, no art in my hands,
Not all talents fit the same door, there's multiple keys
You may not notice me
But others around do
It's your actions which speak volumes
I am what people turn to
You worry you have no talents
Nothing to show
That you are doing nothing special
But if you only knew, you help people to grow
Now you see
With what I had to say
I'm your talent
You've seen my view
Listen to your talents.
To end this post, watch this video
Endure to the end, stay strong in the Gospel and you won't regret it
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